

  • PECI Certified Peak Performance Coach
  • “Walk-On” BGSU NCAA Division 1 National Championship Hockey Team – Coached by Jerry York
  • “Walk-On” Ohio University Hockey Team
  • NCAA Division lll Baseball
  • All 3 High School years – Coached by former NHL All-Star & Stanley Cup Winner, Ian Cushenan
  • All Ohio All-Star Hockey Team – Most Valuable Defenseman
  • All Ohio All-Star Hockey Team
  • All Ohio All-Scholastic Hockey Team
  • BFA Ohio University – Visual Communication, with Specialization in Photo Illustration

What if I told you that your athletic ability and your technical skill level is already enough to win?  You might ask me…”Well then, Mr. Smarty Pants…why am I (or we) not doing so well, and winning more often?” I would answer…”Because you are only working with 2 of the 3 ingredients that you need to win; and the third missing ingredient is 90% responsible for you performing your best!” That third ingredient is THE WINNING STATE of mind! It is the missing link to performing your best, and winning more often. 

• Most Coaches are teaching only 2 of the 3 mandatory ingredients that must be present in the mind and body in order to succeed and win. They are teaching the Physical, and Technical details of the sport. But when it comes time to come through in the clutch…it’s your Mental Training, and THE WINNING STATE of mind that must take over, and enable you to perform at your Peak Potential. Unfortunately, this is where most athletes are left in a panic…hoping things work out…focused on the wrong things…and choking.
• I see too many people trying to resolve this by putting more and more hours into fitness, & practicing their sport, only to still have doubt, fear, and lack of confidence shut them down when they really need to perform their best. 
• I see too many people traveling to tournaments, even to other states, and “ALWAYS JUST HOPING” to play for a championship, but being eliminated in the first or second round. That is a long way to go…to lose so fast!
• I see too many college prospects traveling to college showcases all over the country, and returning feeling less talented, and more negative, doubtful, and depressed than when they left.
• I see way too many people, spending way too much time and money, on all the things mentioned above. It kills me to see this, when there is such a quick, and simple solution, that will benefit them immediately, and for the rest of their lives!

What many people don’t realize is…that in many cases (no matter how much, and how well athletes practice) teams and individuals have already lost the competition (or made it very hard for them to win) before it even starts, because of the thoughts running through their minds. Trust me, I know how most people think before they have the techniques that The Winning State teaches them. You would be amazed to hear what goes through their minds. Athletes (and people in general) feel that they are thinking productive thoughts, but they are not. In fact, they are adding pressure, and increasing stress that limits the ability to perform. They just have not learned yet how to handle pressure, control negative thoughts, and set their mind and body up for success. Change that…and we change the results!

Could you make the best hot fudge sundae ever, without one of the ingredients? What if you left out the ice cream (THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT) and just had a bowl full of hot fudge, with a cherry on top? Sickening! What if you left out the hot fudge, and just had ice cream, with a cherry on top? Not so bad…pretty ordinary, right? What if you left out the cherry on top, and just had the ice cream and hot fudge? That’s okay too, but not very special. Why would you leave off, the cherry on top? I mean…the cherry on top…is literally…”The cherry on top”…like the saying goes. It is the finishing touch! It’s that final ingredient, that makes it so great! So, if you leave out any ingredient, you don’t have the best hot fudge sundae you could have. So, what you end up with…is just average…and sometimes…sickening! This is just like a person, athlete, or team’s performance, without THE WINNING STATE of mind. They are average (maybe a little above average on a good day) and let’s not mention the other times.


Mission Statement:
To help people realize their latent, divine potential, by teaching them how to create & maintain
a positive & confident WINNING STATE OF MIND, that leads the body to perform at extraordinary levels in sport, career, & life.

The Winning State is about creating the State of Mind that is necessary for us to perform our best. Busting through barriers, achieving goals, success, and winning are just by-products of learning how to perform our best, especially when it really counts.
It doesn’t matter what we are trying to do…what goal we are trying to achieve, or what barrier we are trying to get past. Positive change, and positive results begin with, and are determined by, how we think. We all have God given talents, are wired for certain things, and have a ton of potential. However, our body follows our mind! That’s why our performance is 90% mental!
I have identified a “recipe” for Peak Performance. These ingredients, or “characteristics” are present in all Peak Performers, Winners, and Champions. We can learn how to set ourselves up for success, and finally begin to make some serious progress in our sport, career, and life.

It’s time to stop doing the same things that don’t give us the results we want, or make us feel how we want to feel. 
Hoping things will work out better “next time”…doesn’t work! There is a much more positive, healthy and effective way to be our best!

Let me teach you how to perform at your full potential.
Let’s GO MENTAL, and begin to win, right now!

Thank you,
Jeff McMillan

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Cape Town, South Africa